
We understand that your company needs a complete industrial gas program to compete in today's marketplace. That's why AWG has addressed all the issues needed to provide you with what you ...
American Welding & Gas understands the homecare business and its challenges. By listening to our homecare provider customers, we have established a level of service that enhances value and benefit...
Analytical laboratories demand consistent, dependable carrier gases and calibration mixtures. Whether or not your lab’s Gas Chromatographs utilize ECDs, TCDs, FIDs, or some other means of ...
Gas Monitoring SafetyNothing is more important than the safety of your workforce.  It is vital to worker safety that gas monitoring instruments are calibrated regularly. Only properly calibrated ...
Multi-Component Hydrocarbon MixturesToday’s gas and oil industries are more demanding than ever. With critical specifications and tolerances tighter than ever, it is imperative, for ...
Per 40CFR60 and 40CFR75, CEMs (Continuous Emissions Monitoring) systems for gaseous pollutants must be calibrated and audited with gas standards that are directly traceable to NIST Reference ...
Biofuel Gases!The demand for biofuels in the Unites States is increasing every year. The advantages of these clean burning fuels are many; from reducing pollution to U.S. energy independence. American...